Wednesday, September 24, 2008


This blog is dedicated to all who are not familiar to systems protecting their premises against unpredictable fire. I am not a graduate of Fire Protection Engineering, I am a registered Mechanical Engineer practicing Fire Protection System design for industrial plants, chemical plants, and oil and gas industrial plants. I will use this blog to write the knowledge I have in fire protection systems that I gained from years of experience in different projects. I will do some research work and post the latest information regarding fire protection system.

I will accept all your inputs, comments or suggestions regarding the topics I posted or further improvement to make this blog very useful and friendly.

To all readers, majority of the contents of this blog site will be the Author's opinion. Data taken from other sources will be noted and I will show the reference, website, book, or publication to be fair with the other Author or owner.

Let's start our very informative blog about fire protection systems.

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